Spicy Kitty

2024 Dates

St. Charles Pride

15th June 2024
Family Arena St. Charles, MO

St. Charles Pride

15th June 2024
St. Charles, MO

Contact us for booking. Email now SpicyKittyBand@gmail.com


Band BIO

Once upon a time, in a chaotic corner of a rundown garage, five misfits collided in a beautiful explosion of noise and rebellion. That's right, folks, we're talking about Spicy Kitty – the hottest, most rebellious alt-rock/punk cover band to ever grace your eardrums.

It all started when the lead guitarist, Shaun, discovered a mysterious can of expired tuna hidden behind his amp. Legend has it that this can of fish had been fermenting there for so long that it gained sentience and whispered secrets of punk rock glory to Shaun in his sleep. Inspired (or possibly just delirious from the smell), Shaun set out on a mission to assemble the most eclectic group of misfits he could find.

First up was our fearless frontwoman, Kristen "Killer Vocals" S. With a voice that could shatter glass and a stage presence that could make even the most stoic statue headbang, Kristen was the perfect addition to the band. Plus, she had a knack for finding the spiciest hot sauce in town – a skill that would come in handy during those late-night jam sessions.

Next came Rob the Riffmaster, a rhythm guitarist so smooth that even his own shadow couldn't help but sway. Legend has it that Rob once played a riff so catchy that it caused a nearby jukebox to short-circuit. Whether true or not, one thing's for sure – when Rob strums those chords, the whole world stops and listens.

Then there's Ron Rumblesticks, the drumming dynamo with a penchant for pyrotechnics. Ron's drumming was so explosive that the local fire department had him on speed dial. But hey, who needs eyebrows when you're rocking out to the sweet sounds of Spicy Kitty?

And finally, we have Jon "Jammin' Bassline, the bassist with a heart of gold and a penchant for pyjamas. Jon may not have been the flashiest member of the band, but his steady rhythm and unwavering dedication held the whole operation together. Plus, his collection of novelty socks never failed to bring a smile to everyone's face.

Together, Spicy Kitty roamed the underground music scene like a pack of feral cats on a mission to melt faces and steal hearts. From dingy dive bars to sold-out stadiums, there was no stage too small and no amp too loud for these fearless felines. And though their journey may have been fraught with expired tuna and the occasional run-in with the law (turns out setting off fireworks indoors is frowned upon), Spicy Kitty never lost sight of their ultimate goal – to rock harder than anyone else, and to have a damn good time doing it.

So the next time you find yourself wandering the mean streets of punk rock paradise, keep an ear out for the sweet sounds of Spicy Kitty. Who knows, you might just catch a glimpse of rock 'n' roll history in the making. But fair warning – if you're not prepared to have your mind blown and your taste buds scorched, you'd better steer clear. Because when Spicy Kitty takes the stage, there's no telling what might happen next.


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Latest News

Past and upcoming shows.

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